Urani's Intent Specs

This documentation explains how intents work for a limit order in a Urani Swap v1 (alpha) swap.

Creating an Intent

To create an intent for a limit order, a user can send the encapsulated JavaScript object to the /orders endpoint using a POST request.

        "intentId": 123456,
        "srcToken": "9wFF5VM1vWxK7EaSg9dLSkY8jZAGs8R4DQ9K9X5Jd2ac",
        "srcAddress": "0ddb0a23e291b4aeb4c031d91ebf7fdea086eff5",
        "srcAmount": 8714,
        "dstToken": "2oNdfRRaxxYE8wRz5xZdqhfv6MFqjVcMkeVusQPh24dP",
        "dstAddress": "0dd10a23e291b4aeb4c031d91ebf7fdea086eff5",
        "minReceived": 1704,
        "expiration": 1718034091

Here is a breakdown of each parameter and its purpose:

  • intentId: A unique identifier for the intent. In the provided code, it is generated randomly for demonstration purposes.

  • srcToken: The source token's address (mint address) on the Solana blockchain.

  • srcAddress: The wallet address from which the source tokens will be sent.

  • srcAmount: The amount of source tokens to be swapped.

  • dstToken: The destination token's address (mint address) on the Solana blockchain.

  • dstAddress: The wallet address to which the destination tokens will be sent.

  • minReceived: The minimum amount of destination tokens expected from the swap.

  • expiration: The expiration timestamp of the intent.

Learn how the Swap handles the ingestion of intents: "Building a Limit Order Ingestion on Solana".

Last updated