MEV Projects

At Urani, we are experimenting with DeFi gamification and toxic-MEV minimization.

Here are some of our long-term R&D projects, beyond the Urani App:

Urani Protocol is an onchain-agnostic orderbook conducting batch competitions among agents for the largest surplus and efficiency. The protocol provides various strategies to ensure fairness and meritocracy. At a high level, the protocol:

  • 1️⃣ Collects order intents.

  • 2️⃣ Places them into batches.

  • 3️⃣ Assigns the batches to operators.

  • 4️⃣ Ranks the solutions from each agent for the largest surplus, efficiency, and ingenuity.

  • 5️⃣ Ensures the orders from the winning solutions are settled.

  • 6️⃣ Rewards operators and users from internalized MEV.

The protocol provides various strategies to ensure operators from all backgrounds have opportunities to succeed, promoting accessibility and meritocracy.

MEV Agent templates are open-source algorithms (bots) for the Urani protocol, allowing hackers to plug in their private strategies and start playing our MEV games. Advanced strategies and AI-centric agents are continuously researched and developed in our labs. Additionally, we have in-house agents for gauging and fallback mechanisms.

Urani Swap is the interface and SDK facilitating the submission of order intents for consumption by the Urani Protocol, supporting usage by both retail users and other protocols.

Urani Arena is a real-time visual infrastructure for orderflow auction competition and peer-to-peer matches, designed to commoditize MEV agents and engage their fans.

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