Batch Auctions

The Urani protocol is designed to delegate the price-finding routing optimization problem to MEV agent operators as securely and efficiently as possible.

In this setup, batches are auctioned off through a competition among agents to find the largest surplus for each order. Everyone in the batch also receives the same price — eliminating sandwiches or other types of MEV.

How a Batch Solution Looks Like

        "orders": [
                "intentId": 77448,
                "srcToken": "9wFF5VMevWxK7EaSg9dLSkY8jZAGs8R4DQ9K9X5Jd2ac",
                "srcAddress": "0ddb0a23e291b4aeb4c031d91ebf7fdea086eff5",
                "srcAmount": 8714,
                "dstToken": "2oNdfRRVxxYE8wRz5xZdqhfv6MFqjVcMkeVusQPh24dP",
                "dstAddress": "0ddb0a23e291b4aeb4c031d91ebf7fdea086eff5",
                "minReceived": 1704,
                "expiration": 1718034091,
                "status": "filled"
        "status": "filled",
        "fillData": {
                "tx": "mocktx123",
                "agentName": "Agent Bet",
                "route": [
                        "venueName": "Raydium Liquidity Pool AMM",
                        "venueAddress": "5quBtoiQqxF9Jv6KYKctB59NT3gtJD2Y65kdnB1Uev3h",
                        "venueImage": "",
                        "sentToken": "9wFF5VMevWxK7EaSg9dLSkY8jZAGs8R4DQ9K9X5Jd2ac",
                        "sentAmount": 4202
                "solutions": [
                        "agentName": "Agent Aleph",
                        "route": [
                                "venueName": "Raydium Liquidity Pool AMM",
                                "venueAddress": "5quBtoiQqxF9Jv6KYKctB59NT3gtJD2Y65kdnB1Uev3h",
                                "venueImage": "",
                                "sentToken": "9wFF5VMevWxK7EaSg9dLSkY8jZAGs8R4DQ9K9X5Jd2ac",
                                "sentAmount": 4202
                        "score": 94
                "batchId": 1234678

In the protocol's v1 (alpha) version, orderflow auctions leverage a trusted party to operate (the protocol packing the batches directly).

Participation by MEV agent operators is aimed to be permissionless in future iterations of the protocol.

Last updated